Satellite Events

List of ISMIR 2024 Satellite Events

NLP4MUSA, November 15th 2024, location TBD

Music AI Creative Practices, November 9th 2024, location TBD

Music Hackathon, November 16th 2024, location TBD

Information for organizers of satellite events 

What is an ISMIR satellite event? 

The annual ISMIR conference is accompanied by a number of “satellite” events which take place close to the dates of the main conference. These events can be deep dives of topics presented at the conference, company demos, workshops, research talks, hackathons, and more.

As this year’s ISMIR conference will take place in a hybrid format, we welcome in-person, hybrid, and online satellite events.

Listing a satellite event with ISMIR 2024

The ISMIR 2024 conference aims to connect attendees of the main conference with companies, research institutions, technologists, and anyone in the MIR community who wants to independently organize an event and cross-list it on the ISMIR 2024 conference website.

If you would like to cross-list your event with ISMIR 2024, please send the following information to

  • Name of event
  • Name(s), email address(es), and affiliations of event organizer(s)
  • Website of event (to be linked from the ISMIR 2024 website)
  • Estimated duration of event (e.g., half day or full day). Most ISMIR satellite events last no more than 1 day. 
  • If the event has been a satellite of ISMIR in the past: Which year(s) and past website(s) if available.
  • If the event has NOT been a satellite of ISMIR in the past: A short description of the event; its relevance to ISMIR; what types of attendees (e.g., students, industry professionals, locals) are expected to attend; anticipated attendance. 

The ISMIR 2024 organizing team reserves the right to decline to cross-post any prospective satellite event. 

Important information for satellite event organizers 

Organizers of ISMIR satellite events are responsible for managing their own websites and calls for submissions. The ISMIR 2024 team will link approved satellite events on the satellite events page.

Collecting registrations and payment for ISMIR satellite events is the responsibility of the satellite event organizers. The ISMIR conference does not handle registration or payment for satellite events. 

Satellite organizers are asked to make clear on their websites that registration for their event does NOT equate to registration to the main ISMIR conference. Attendees must register separately for the ISMIR 2024 conference if they wish to attend it. 

Satellites with an in-person component

Events with in-person attendance are encouraged to be scheduled within the days immediately preceding (November 8, 9) or following (November 15-17) the conference to maximize attendance by out-of-town conference attendees. The ISMIR 2024 Satellites team will assist with scheduling based on organizer preferences, venue constraints, and already-scheduled events. 

We recommend that satellite events take place near the downtown area (Financial District, near Rincon Hill, Ferry Building, etc).

If you are seeking a venue for your in-person or hybrid event, our team will try to help you find a physical location.

Satellites with an online component

Fully online events are encouraged to be scheduled in the weeks preceding or following the conference (rather than immediately preceding or following the conference) to maximize attendance by those who will attend the main conference in person. The ISMIR 2024 Satellites team will assist with scheduling based on organizer preferences and already-scheduled events. 

Organizers of events with online components are responsible for establishing their own video conferencing infrastructure (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams). For hybrid events, our team can help with minor infrastructure requests.


  • What dates will ISMIR 2024 satellite events be held?
    • In-person and hybrid satellites may take place on Friday November 8, Saturday November 9, or Friday November 15 through Sunday, November 17. 
    • Fully online satellites may take place in the weeks before and after the ISMIR conference, but not in the days immediately preceding or following. 
  • How long will satellite events be?
    • Half day or full day
  • What will be the capacity for satellite events?
    • We anticipate that most satellites will involve 100-150 attendees
  • What will ISMIR be financially supporting? (Food, refreshments, etc)
    • ISMIR will not be able to cover items such as food or refreshments. Satellite event organizers who need support for these items are encouraged to consider a registration fee model or to seek a sponsor who might cover these costs. 
  • Will there be equipment available at the satellite event venue for use? (E.g., projectors, HDMI cables, etc)
    • More information on this will come as we finalize the satellite venues. We will ideally find venues with a projector but we will not be able to assist you with hardware components such as HDMI cables, converters, etc


Email the ISMIR 2024 Satellites team at