COVID-19 Guidelines

We are excited to facilitate a hybrid ISMIR conference this year. Planning the in-person component of ISMIR 2024 as news of greater prevalence of COVID-19 Omicron variants is surfacing has prompted the organizing team to consider how we can support attendees to take measures to feel safe with respect to COVID-19. 

For this, we are making COVID-19 tests and high-quality (KN95) respirators available for onsite attendees. We also offer resources below to help attendees locate and access relevant assistance.


Please test if you start experiencing symptoms or feel unwell.

  • We will have iHealth COVID-19 antigen rapid tests available at the Registration table. 
  • Tests are also available for purchase at pharmacies; below are some suggestions near the conference venue:
    • Walgreens: 300 Montgomery St, 456 Mission St
    • CVS: 789 Mission St
  • Testing locations can be found here: 

In case of a positive test

If you test positive, please do not visit the conference venue. 

  • Instead, use the virtual options to join conference sessions. 
  • If you will miss an assigned Keynote/Invited or Oral/Poster session, please notify the conference chairs ( as soon as possible. In your message, please cc any co-authors who may present in your place and detail any arrangements you have already made with co-presenters. 

COVID-19 medicines are available for free or at low cost, and we encourage you to access treatment if this is an option for you. The following are ways to find COVID-19 medication, as per the California Department of Public Health:

  • Contact your doctor, urgent care center, or insurance provider for an appointment. You can ask if video or phone appointments are possible.  
  • Call the California Department of Public Health Call Center at 833-422-4255.  
  • Find a Test to Treat site, where you can get tested, assessed by a healthcare provider, and receive treatment if eligible, all in one visit. Visit the Department of Health and Human Services Test to Treat Locator to find pharmacies, clinics, and other locations where you can pick-up your prescription.  
  • If you don't have insurance or have trouble reaching a health care provider quickly, Sesame Care is a telehealth option that helps you talk with a healthcare provider about a prescription right away. Sesame Care continues to offer COVID-19 services at a low cost.   
  • If your health care provider has questions on COVID-19 treatments, they can refer to CDPH's recommendations on treatment or CDC's Interim Clinical Considerations for COVID-19 Treatment in Outpatients


Please wear a mask if it will make your onsite experience of the conference more comfortable and/or safe. 

  • We will have KN95 masks available in multiple colors and sizes at the Registration table. 

Maintaining a positive and respectful environment

We ask that all attendees be mindful and respectful of others’ decisions. We recognize that mask-wearing is a personal choice and how we treat others should not be impacted by whether one wears a mask or not. 

  • Remember that some individuals may have underlying health conditions, may be immunocompromised, or may interact with immunocompromised individuals outside of the conference, making mask-wearing essential for their own or others’ protection. 
  • Other individuals may choose to wear masks simply to avoid catching COVID-19 or other illnesses and spreading them to others.
  • Finally, some attendees may wish to maintain a wider physical distance from others during poster presentations or casual conversation (social distancing). 

Negative behavior toward attendees due to their decision to wear/not wear a mask or maintain social distance is a violation of the ISMIR 2024 Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated. Harassing, taunting, pressuring, or invasively questioning attendees about their choices are considered Code of Conduct violations.

  • If you experience or observe such behaviors, report the incident(s) to, which will notify the ISMIR 2024 General Chairs, DEI Chair, Virtual Chair, and ISMIR Board point of contact. 

For more information, visit the ISMIR 2024 Code of Conduct webpage: